Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tread Carefully Where The Spiders Lurk


That's right. I said Jesus.

All right, now I really do promise to update my blog more. I've been going through some rough, depressing times BUT I HAVE POWERED THROUGH. Somewhat. So I think now, I will have more motivation to get on here and update. I'll update.... Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. But not on the weekend. Especially not Sunday. Because I don't go to church on Sunday.

The past few months have been fairly...iffy. I last updated... in March? Since then, I've changed my mind about what I'd like to do with my life. Currently, I'm feeling the love for make-up. I think I'd make a pretty decent stylist. I tend to attack my family members' faces quite often. I used to feel awkward about doing it, but now I just sit them down and get to work.

As far as schooling, I've gotten to US history, and I don't know about anyone else, but I hate US history. It is boring. So I haven't spent a lot of time reading my "study guide" or the "textbook." I'm so bad. /rebel

I visited Boyfriend in July. His house is fancy. It made me feel significantly un-fancy. I figured out his family is really pretty kickass, and I like being around them. His house is fancy. I would not mind living in a house like that. My brain has gone on vacation so I can't exactly describe it, but it's nice. Also, I was able to spend our 1 year anniversary with him, and that was wonderful. We went to see THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. (Because anything to do with BATMAN should always be in caps.) Boyfriend thinks all of Gotham should've been destroyed in the end. He also tried to use logic for the flying away the bomb to make sense. It was a difficult time for him, but we got through it together.

Ah, we have a new addition to our family of Ragdolls. After much deliberation, we decided his name would be Oliver. As he is my long-blonde-haired sister's cat, I thought a better name would be Pascal, however. No one else agreed. So his name is Oliver. He is, by far, the friendliest of all the cats and the bravest. He is a flame point which means he is orange and white.

As my life is not very interesting, that is all I have to say. Good day.

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