Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tread Carefully Where The Spiders Lurk


That's right. I said Jesus.

All right, now I really do promise to update my blog more. I've been going through some rough, depressing times BUT I HAVE POWERED THROUGH. Somewhat. So I think now, I will have more motivation to get on here and update. I'll update.... Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. But not on the weekend. Especially not Sunday. Because I don't go to church on Sunday.

The past few months have been fairly...iffy. I last updated... in March? Since then, I've changed my mind about what I'd like to do with my life. Currently, I'm feeling the love for make-up. I think I'd make a pretty decent stylist. I tend to attack my family members' faces quite often. I used to feel awkward about doing it, but now I just sit them down and get to work.

As far as schooling, I've gotten to US history, and I don't know about anyone else, but I hate US history. It is boring. So I haven't spent a lot of time reading my "study guide" or the "textbook." I'm so bad. /rebel

I visited Boyfriend in July. His house is fancy. It made me feel significantly un-fancy. I figured out his family is really pretty kickass, and I like being around them. His house is fancy. I would not mind living in a house like that. My brain has gone on vacation so I can't exactly describe it, but it's nice. Also, I was able to spend our 1 year anniversary with him, and that was wonderful. We went to see THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. (Because anything to do with BATMAN should always be in caps.) Boyfriend thinks all of Gotham should've been destroyed in the end. He also tried to use logic for the flying away the bomb to make sense. It was a difficult time for him, but we got through it together.

Ah, we have a new addition to our family of Ragdolls. After much deliberation, we decided his name would be Oliver. As he is my long-blonde-haired sister's cat, I thought a better name would be Pascal, however. No one else agreed. So his name is Oliver. He is, by far, the friendliest of all the cats and the bravest. He is a flame point which means he is orange and white.

As my life is not very interesting, that is all I have to say. Good day.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I Just Think Someone Should Remind Me To Post

Well. Hello.

I don't even remember the last time I posted, and frankly, I'm too lazy to look. Also, my Blackberry spoils me by auto-correcting my spelling mistakes.

I know I've posted about Le Cordon Bleu and my experience there.... Ah. I'm no longer going for my GED. I am going through Penn Foster to get a high school diploma since Orange County was being difficult about the GED. It's going slowly. Very slowly. And boringly.

As for everything else, I'm so very tired all the time. Maybe. I should stop letting Bioware games eat my brain. MAKER, THEY'RE SO GOOD THOUGH. I miss Boyfriend ever-so-much. He visited me during his spring break. It was very nice to see him.

This is all I have to say for right now, I'll probably post more later.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'm Pretty Sure I've Never Been This Excited For Anything In My Life

I took a brief tour of Le Cordon Bleu on Saturday, and holy shit, it was amazing.

It looked incredible. Long, professional-looking buildings with mirror windows and an interior that looked brand-spankin' new.

The group attending for the tour was fairly large, about twenty people, I'd dare venture. There was one guy who had a yellow envelope and from the looks of him, he was one of those artistes and had been specially invited to the school. He practically sneered at the people who were there for the tour. I wanted to punch him in the throat. Then there were two other people who looked to be about my age. One was a very tall guy being leaded around by his mother, and the other was a blonde girl with a death glare fixated on her face when she looked at me. I had gone with my mother and my 'dear' housemate.

The head of admissions came to collect the group and led us to the "Classroom of Excellence" and gave us a brief rundown of information you could find online, then took us to the admissions office to take a look at the uniform you recieve and the kit. Then... she led us... TO THE KITCHENS.

The first kitchen was in their restaurant called Technique. The French chef in charge was oh so pretty with piercing hazel-green eyes that seemed to stare into your very soul. He looked a bit like Darren Criss and decided it was a good idea to stare for quite a while at my mother, my housemate, and I. Which I didn't totally mind. He served chili and bloody steak and was disappointed and lost a bit of interest when my mother didn't try his creations. If only he'd known it was just because her tummy was full from eating earlier.

The next kitchen we were led to was very obviously a classroom pretty much. It was beautiful. Smooth, shiny metal surfaces, huge stove tops, enormous ovens and smokers. It was great. The chef tells us that he's been smoking ribs for about five hours and made a sauce out of orange juice, rum, sugar, and star anise. AND IT WAS DELICIOUS. And he made sweet potatoes to go along with it. I swear I've never had sweet potatoes that were so amazingly done.

The last kitchen we were led to was a pastry kitchen where the chef did a demonstration on how to make pastry cream and with it made a trifle of yellow cake soaked in Maker's Mark whiskey, berries, custard, and whipped cream. I wasn't allowed to have any because I'm underage, -disappointface- But it looked good, smelled overpoweringly like whiskey. My housemate said it was nearly completely booze and you could hardly taste the flavour of the cake.

Then, we were led back to the "Classroom of Excellence" where we had the rest of our questions answered and I found out that they actually encourage getting a GED if you are really determined to get in. The head of admissions actually admitted that they don't really look at grades because they're more worried about if you have the skills and passion to attend Le Cordon Bleu. Without those, you might as well not even bother. It was rather nice that she was able to tell that I wanted to go into the patisserie and baking program.

Once the tour was completely done, Housemate and I tried to convince my mother to also attend. That went over nicely but when we got home, oh the sheer disappoint of it all. My stepfather can't be trusted to watch over my two younger sisters by himself because he doesn't actually pay attention to them. Sigh.

Also, I just got a new phone today and good llamas, it's hard getting used to. Mother is having just as much trouble as I am with it. She misses her touch screen phone, I miss my Blackberry. Sigh again. But having a phone is better than not having one, in my opinion.

This concludes my weekly update.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

I Am Nearly Finished With This Studying Business

I haven't said this but I have been studying for the GED exam for the past few weeks. I got a rather large study guide and so far, it has done wonders to make me feel highly intelligent. Also, I am nearly finished with the book. Hopefully, I will be able to contact the person who can give me my date, and I will be completing the exam soon.

On another note that is very similar to that note, I have finally decided what I want to do with my life. I want to become a patissier. So, once I get my GED, I will launch into intense study of mathematics and science because I am terrible at both (I only just learned today how to turn and improper fraction into a mixed number.) Then after that, I'll be launching into more studies but this time, they'll be the studies of baking science and the chemistry involved. THEN, I will have to practice as much as possible with baking and decorating different things. All this because I want to be accepted into Le Cordon Bleu and in case you were unaware, that school is the culinary school. You have to be the best. The best of the best.

BUT I WILL DO IT! I will be great. I will be awesome. I will do this thing.

And hopefully (good lord I use that word a lot) I will learn how to not panic and feel the need to burst into tears when presented with math problems. Because that is just ridiculous.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012



I wonder what anyone sees in me.

I feel like a fuck up.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I Came To A Second Realization

It's hard for me to remember that I have a blog that I should keep up with. It's also hard to remember that I had said that I would post daily. Whoops.

Today, while studying, I did an exercise which had the topic of, "What do you think will be the next new method of mass transportation?" The book expected some sort of genius paragraph to this topic. Something which said, "I'm intelligent, and I know what I'm talking about!" about the writer. I wrote about hover-cows. I'm not usually so careless when it comes to serious things such as GED preparation, but really? I couldn't take any of my work seriously today. I have general issues concentrating on work that I find exceedingly boring but today was just terrible.

Luckily, I'd woken up rather late so I didn't have to work for very long. I probably shouldn't think like that. I should study until I can study no more! That's the problem though. I get very overloaded very quickly and then words start mashing together and they swim all over the page and I retain NOTHING. So then I have to stop. It's rather irritating to be honest.

Especially since there are other things I want to do throughout the day instead of sitting at the table having my brain melt and seep out through my ears.

I hope you feel better, Boyfriend. It's sad when you are sick.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

That's When I Came To A Nearly Life-Changing Realization

I was reading Hyperbole and a Half today, and as I sat there reading I thought, "... How many posts is one limited to in a day?" Then, as I sat there pondering that, I began to ponder another thought, "Is one supposed to post everyday?"

This is a most serious issue. I have no idea how many posts a day I should put up, nor do I have any idea how many times a week I should post. I suppose that is up to me but what about when people go to read my blog and they decide to follow me? Would they be like, "God, she posts waaayyyy too much." or "WHY DOESN'T SHE POST MORE?" I am frightened of the possible outcomes of whatever decision I make.

Getting over this, however, is most important if I want my blog to last.

But will I get over such a fear? A fear which is almost incapacitating. A fear which probably haunts the majority of those who first start their blogs. I, Joss, will conquer this fear by posting every day. EVERY. DAY. Whether the post be about cats, marijuana (although lets hope none of my posts are about marijuana because nearly everyone posts about that. So mainstream.), or juice boxes, it shall be posted. POSTED. I won't specify how many posts a day because you know... I honestly have no idea how many I would post.

I once had this aspiration to become a Spice Girl. I thought it would be so amazing if I could be an additional member of the Spice Girls. I'd be the most loved and most famous of them all. I would be rich. I would have everything I ever dreamed of. IF ONLY I COULD BE A SPICE GIRL. Then that dream faded and I wanted to be an astronaut. Then I watched Apollo 13. Scarred me for life.

On another note, I am very sick all of a sudden. Either that or my allergies are being worse than usual. This is not okay. I blame cat hair being somehow lodged into my nostrils and causing an intense ruckus. DAMN YOU STRAY CAT HAIR.