Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'm Pretty Sure I've Never Been This Excited For Anything In My Life

I took a brief tour of Le Cordon Bleu on Saturday, and holy shit, it was amazing.

It looked incredible. Long, professional-looking buildings with mirror windows and an interior that looked brand-spankin' new.

The group attending for the tour was fairly large, about twenty people, I'd dare venture. There was one guy who had a yellow envelope and from the looks of him, he was one of those artistes and had been specially invited to the school. He practically sneered at the people who were there for the tour. I wanted to punch him in the throat. Then there were two other people who looked to be about my age. One was a very tall guy being leaded around by his mother, and the other was a blonde girl with a death glare fixated on her face when she looked at me. I had gone with my mother and my 'dear' housemate.

The head of admissions came to collect the group and led us to the "Classroom of Excellence" and gave us a brief rundown of information you could find online, then took us to the admissions office to take a look at the uniform you recieve and the kit. Then... she led us... TO THE KITCHENS.

The first kitchen was in their restaurant called Technique. The French chef in charge was oh so pretty with piercing hazel-green eyes that seemed to stare into your very soul. He looked a bit like Darren Criss and decided it was a good idea to stare for quite a while at my mother, my housemate, and I. Which I didn't totally mind. He served chili and bloody steak and was disappointed and lost a bit of interest when my mother didn't try his creations. If only he'd known it was just because her tummy was full from eating earlier.

The next kitchen we were led to was very obviously a classroom pretty much. It was beautiful. Smooth, shiny metal surfaces, huge stove tops, enormous ovens and smokers. It was great. The chef tells us that he's been smoking ribs for about five hours and made a sauce out of orange juice, rum, sugar, and star anise. AND IT WAS DELICIOUS. And he made sweet potatoes to go along with it. I swear I've never had sweet potatoes that were so amazingly done.

The last kitchen we were led to was a pastry kitchen where the chef did a demonstration on how to make pastry cream and with it made a trifle of yellow cake soaked in Maker's Mark whiskey, berries, custard, and whipped cream. I wasn't allowed to have any because I'm underage, -disappointface- But it looked good, smelled overpoweringly like whiskey. My housemate said it was nearly completely booze and you could hardly taste the flavour of the cake.

Then, we were led back to the "Classroom of Excellence" where we had the rest of our questions answered and I found out that they actually encourage getting a GED if you are really determined to get in. The head of admissions actually admitted that they don't really look at grades because they're more worried about if you have the skills and passion to attend Le Cordon Bleu. Without those, you might as well not even bother. It was rather nice that she was able to tell that I wanted to go into the patisserie and baking program.

Once the tour was completely done, Housemate and I tried to convince my mother to also attend. That went over nicely but when we got home, oh the sheer disappoint of it all. My stepfather can't be trusted to watch over my two younger sisters by himself because he doesn't actually pay attention to them. Sigh.

Also, I just got a new phone today and good llamas, it's hard getting used to. Mother is having just as much trouble as I am with it. She misses her touch screen phone, I miss my Blackberry. Sigh again. But having a phone is better than not having one, in my opinion.

This concludes my weekly update.

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