Monday, January 9, 2012


And these are the type of posts where I go completely off the edge of the sleep-deprived insanity and I just ramble about things that completely don't matter.

Like bumblebees. Those things are ADORABLE. They've got fat, fuzzy black and yellow stripey bodies and they fly around like bzz bzz and shit. AND THEY POLLINATE THINGS. Holy shit.

And I never understood where the hell "the birds and the bees" came from. Birds and bees DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH EACH OTHER. I was given the cold, hard facts of mating and how much it can hurt the first time and and... stuff! I just. I don't unnerstan. Can somebody give me some sort of condensed explanation of the utter nonsense that is "the birds and the bees"?

Man, I'm tired. I'm at that stage of tiredness where I literally can't go to sleep because I've got adrenaline coursing through my veins for no apparent reason. And then I ramble at people. Especially Boyfriend (gotta find a different name for him.) I really don't understand how he puts up with me half the time but HEY, I AIN'T EVN CURR LOLZ

What in the name of Hey-soos was that? I don't think I want to know.

This is what a sleep-deprived mind can be like. SO DON'T DEPRIVE YOURSELF OF SLEEP.


  1. I'VE NEVER UNDERSTOOD THAT EITHER! Why do people say "the birds and the bees?" It makes no sense to me. It is now my mission to figure this out.

    1. If you find out, you should definitely fill me in!
